Regality Magazine
Introducing the launch of Regality Magazine, a collaborative endeavor crafted by our students through our enrichment activities. Dive...
 Our Concert, 'What a Knight!."
Watch here;
Destination Imagination Team Shine in Global Finals, Kansas City, USA, May 2023
Destination Imagination 2022 2023 7 Directions of Khaos Abhiruchi, Pratosh, Jericho, Myeq, Sophia, Kimmy, and Rheana made up this year’s...
The Importance of Accreditation in Choosing International Schools in Indonesia.
The international schools market in Southeast Asia has experienced remarkable growth, with Indonesia leading the way as the country with...
School - Wide Student Learner Outcomes
C = Our students will be critical, creative thinkers who collaborate to problem solve. They are culturally aware global citizens. Our...
Welcome Back Students! Re-Opening Academic Year 2021-2022
We will be reopening part time for on campus learning from 6 September. Preschool can attend on campus K1 Monday and Wednesday 8.20 am -...