Indonesian Cultural Preschool Singing Competition

Royal Primary Academy proudly presents:
Indonesian Cultural
Preschool Singing Group Competition
For preschool children (aged 4 – 6 years old), their parents and teachers.
We are inviting all of you to join this competition:
Day / Date : 3 November 2017
Time : 9.00 – 11.30 AM
Venue : Royal Primary Academy SPK School
The Kuningan Place, Lumina Tower, Level 11
Jl. Kuningan Utama, Lot 15, Jakarta
Registration Fee: IDR 250.000,-/group (including snacks)
Last Registration: 23 October 2017
For registration: (Ms. Mei Chen – 0811 8899 400)
You will need to provide your backing music on USB or instrument, we can loan guitar or keyboard.
Please indicate if needed.
- Participants should wear Indonesian Cultural Costumes
- No high-heels allowed inside the venue
- Each group should choose 1 of the songs to sing: Soleram / Apuse / Ampar-Ampar Pisang
- The use of additional music and properties should be communicated along with the registration form
- Each performance is limited within 5 minutes.
Phone: 021-22083160